Nikon COOLPIX-P100 User Manual Page 110

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More on Shooting
Using M (User Setting Mode)
Settings that are frequently used for A, B, C and D shooting modes can be saved
in mode dial M.
Rotating the mode dial to M enables you to shoot using the saved settings.
The following settings can be saved in M.
Basic Settings
Shooting menu
1 The current flexible program (when set to A), shutter speed (when set to B and D) or aperture
(when set to C and D) settings will be saved.
2 The current focus distance will be saved when set to E (manual focus).
3 The preset value for preset manual applies to the A, B, C, D and M shooting modes.
4 The current focus area position is saved when AF area mode is set to Manual.
B Clock battery
If the internal clock battery (A156) is exhausted, the settings saved in M will be reset. Writing down
any important setting is recommended.
Shooting modes A/B/C/D
Monitor display (A14, 15) Zoom position (A29)
m (Flash mode) (A34) p (Focus mode) (A38)
o (exposure compensation)
q Image quality (A75) r Image size (A76) F Optimize image (A79)
B White balance (A82)
E ISO sensitivity (A84) G Metering (A85)
C Continuous (A86) H Auto bracketing (A89) G AF area mode (A90)
I Autofocus mode (A93) J Flash exp. comp. (A93) M Noise reduction (A94)
Distortion control (
J Active D-Lighting (A95)
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